The Hood Museum of Art is located in Hanover, New Hampshire. Its collection consists of 65,000 objects that represent the diverse artistic traditions of six continents, including American, Native American, European, Asian, African, Melanesian, and Indigenous Australian art.

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“Americana: Danger!”, 2018 (2019.14.1), and “Angelo Da Vendemmia – Castle Vase”, 2002 (2019.14.2), were acquired by the Hood Museum of Art in 2018 as part of a major gift by the Kohler Foundation.

Mara Superior, “America: Danger!”, 2018, 14 x 18 x 1.5″, high-fired porcelain, ceramic oxides, underglaze, glaze. Hood Museum of Art (2019.14.1).

Mara Superior, “Angelo Da Vendemmia – Castle Vase”, 2002, 11 x 21 x 10″, high-fired porcelain, ceramic oxides, underglaze, glaze. Hood Museum of Art (2019.14.2).