“Patriotic Passions” by author Suzy Slesin features Superior’s important commission, “The Pursuit of Happiness,” based on the principles of democracy for a prominent New York private collection.
“Mara Superior’s pieces are vessels of memory, powerful forms filled with remembrance of things past. They are commemorative icons expressing a hieratic spiritual quality that calls for ceremonial placement In the environment. The content of the drawings is contemplative and complex, the use of words gives clues to the paradox being explored.” … “Superior’s work is firmly grounded in the ceramic tradition; the ancient Greeks, too, decorated their ceremonial pots with narrative drawings. The fascinating physical beauty of glazed porcelain, with its copper-red blushes and floating cobalt blues, is of central value. They could not exist with the same impact in any other material. They are about ceramic art. The quality and content of the painting conjures memories of illuminated manuscripts and small botanical studies. There is a very personal and idiosyncratic quality in Superior’s work that co-exists with great strength and dignity. A unique freshness emerges from the artist’s almost cloistered, confident, personal vision.” — Angela Fina, American Ceramics Magazine Review